5 Pieces Of Sound Advice For Highly Sensitive People From A Successful Highly Sensitive Person

Dr Elayne (Saltzberg) Daniels
8 min readJan 16, 2023

When you’re in the minority or have needs beyond the familiarity of most, where do you go for advice? For Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) looking for sound advice, this isn’t a rhetorical question. It’s a real-life dilemma.

If your answer is to go to an expert, we’re on the same page.

Dr Elaine Aron isn’t just an expert, she’s a pioneer.

And, when it comes to High Sensitivity, she’s revered as the pioneer.

Dr. Aron identified the High Sensitivity (HS) trait in 1991 and has been studying it ever since.

The release of her groundbreaking book, The Highly Sensitive Person (1996), was, for millions of HSPs, a sort of Ancestry DNA moment. For the first time in their lives, they were able to make sense of themselves, their relationships, and their life experiences.

Because Dr. Aron is both an expert in HS and an HSP, there is no one better to provide advice for Highly Sensitive People. But what is it about HSPs that leaves them needing dependable advice for living what the majority of people would consider an “everyday life”?

