Are HSPs More Prone to Addiction?

Dr Elayne (Saltzberg) Daniels
4 min readSep 28, 2022

The world of Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) is ultra-vivid, extra-dimensional, and oh-so-overstimulating. Their radar is pre-programmed and hard wired to be set on constant intake. By default, their brains are constantly processing. Emphasis is on constantly. It makes sense, then, to question how that same neurological predisposition responds to constant stimuli. Are HSPs more prone to addiction? The question may have far-reaching implications for this narrow slice (15–20%) of the population.

Highly Sensitive People

People (HSPs) who score high on sensory processing sensitivity (SPS) have no choice in their neurological makeup and reactivity. Their brains are literally different — more developed, activated, and responsive in specific areas.

As with anything in life, theto stimuli — and especially to those negative messengers we call triggers — is shrouded in choice.

But standing at the fork in the road doesn’t rule out the influence of innate tendencies. Will the traveler bear left or bear right? The probability may very well be a result of more than a mere roll of the dice.

The question: Are HSPs more prone to addiction? doesn’t drop out of thin air.

